Raging River Conservation Group
Posted on May 17, 2016

Next RRCG Meeting – May 25, 2016 at 7:00pm

You are invited to a meeting on May 25th at the Fall City Library starting at 7:00 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to explain our Action Plan. It will include:

  • Background about the RRCG
  • Brief review of the quarry expansion plans
  • Explanation of the DPER permit process
  • RRCG Action Plan
  • How you can help

Please invite other interested homeowners.

Additional information:

Please note the ANSWER from DPER regarding property issues:
24._The quarry operator shall be responsible for any damage to nearby properties, including domestic water supply wells, attributable to blasting on the subject property. Claims for any such damage shall be the responsibility of the affected property owner and the quarry operator to handle directly between themselves, but a failure of the quarry operator to respond in good faith to any such claim may be cause for denial of future grading permits, or prohibition or restriction upon future blasting.

The quarry mailing address is:
Raging River Quarry, LLC
3132 NE Harrison St.
Issaquah, WA 98029