We've heard from several of you that there were quarry blasts yesterday (Dec 28). The Department of Permitting and Environmental Review (DPER), can't confirm this since the quarry operators are no longer providing them with prior notice. DPER has stated "the permit conditions nor the code currently require it [notification]." The quarry operators appear to be trying to reduce the number of complaints by not providing advance notification, although DPER had promised RRCG that they would do so.
We need to be even more vigilant to report adverse affects from the quarry.
What you can do:
1. Send in complaints about the lack of notice for blasting (and lack of audible warning siren, or any other issue with the quarry behavior)
2. Send in complaints if you were affected by quarry activities, such as blasting (ex. house shaking, dust clouds, children or pets scared, etc.)
3. ASK for ANSWERS to your complaints and specific questions. Follow up in a reasonable time period if you aren't satisfied with the response.
Suggestions for who to write to:
As always: the bigger purpose - concern for health and safety of the residents and wildlife of Fall City and Preston, preservation and restoration of the habitat of the Raging River Watershed
QUESTIONS? Please email us!
Thank you for your support
Raging River Conservation Group
Please note the ANSWER from DPER regarding property issues:
24._The quarry operator shall be responsible for any damage to nearby properties, including domestic water supply wells, attributable to blasting on the subject property. Claims for any such damage shall be the responsibility of the affected property owner and the quarry operator to handle directly between themselves, but a failure of the quarry operator to respond in good faith to any such claim may be cause for denial of future grading permits, or prohibition or restriction upon future blasting.