Raging River Conservation Group
Posted on June 15, 2018

June 2018 Update

Quarry Blast on June 18, 2018 at 4pm

The quarry is still in town and still active. King County plans to possibly purchase the quarry are moving very very slowly with no certainty of success. The updated Periodic Review with its hopefully updated regulations for the quarry is also not yet fully in effect and is also moving forward at a very slow pace.

So.....a reminder that there is a blast on June 18 at 4 pm. (We had heard that there was to be on on June 14, but that didn't happen.)

We need your help

Blasting produces dust clouds of unknown particulates. The quarry should be working to contain this dust. If you see dust clouds during the blast or if dust settles on your home, your property, PLEASE file a complaint with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency. They are the agency that can regulate fines or impose restrictions on the quarry blasting. The only way we know, at this point, to encourage the quarry to contain the dust they produce is through ONGOING complaints from multiple people. Please help keep the pressure on to keep the dust down!

How to file a complaint with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

The best way to file a complaint is ONLINE. Online complaints go DIRECTLY to an inspector. If they are nearby, they will investigate while the issue is happening.

Please visit our website often for updates and information about the quarry issue as well as other conservation efforts in the Raging River Watershed.

Thank you!
Raging River Conservation Group

Click here for the News Archive

Additional information:

Please note the ANSWER from DPER regarding property issues:
24._The quarry operator shall be responsible for any damage to nearby properties, including domestic water supply wells, attributable to blasting on the subject property. Claims for any such damage shall be the responsibility of the affected property owner and the quarry operator to handle directly between themselves, but a failure of the quarry operator to respond in good faith to any such claim may be cause for denial of future grading permits, or prohibition or restriction upon future blasting.

The quarry mailing address is:
Raging River Quarry, LLC
3132 NE Harrison St.
Issaquah, WA 98029